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Basket Gift 31-0520


Greece in a basket!

Halva nougat pie, ANEMOS, 50gr

Traditional, sweet, tempting, Greek delicious snack.

Rosemary BIO, SPOROS, 25gr

Rosemary, known as "lasmari" in Cyprus, is an evergreen bush with many branches.
It was known to the ancient Greeks, Romans and Egyptians.
Rosemary is widely used in Mediterranean Cuisine to flavour food.
It improves digestive system, increases memory and self-concentration.
Its beverage helps control cholesterol.

Mastihato delicious snack, ANEMOS, 180gr

Delicious, handmade, sweet, delicous mastic snack.

Health Bites "Antioxidant" BIO, Gaia's Foods, 45gr

Health bites "Antioxidant" contain cranberries, goji berries, almonds and coconut, which present -among others- antioxidant and anticancer action.


SKU: 31-0520 Categories: ,

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