Our favourite!! The breakfast, lunch and dinner meal which raised generations and generationsof Greek people, giving them longevity and well-being!
It is cooked as a soup with either meat or plain with feta cheese nad bread. A soup,easy and quick, tasty and toning, a soup full of aroma which awakens memories
from our childhood and family.
It warms both our heart and soul. This is trahanas, our national pasta!
Product Region
Trahanas Soup Sour, DARDOUMA FAMILY, 300gr
Our favourite!! The breakfast, lunch and dinner meal which raised generations and generationsof Greek people, giving them longevity and well-being!
It is cooked as a soup with either meat or plain with feta cheese nad bread. A soup,easy and quick, tasty and toning, a soup full of aroma which awakens memories from our childhood and family.
It warms both our heart and soul. This is trahanas, our national pasta!
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